All relationships require effort and work. Parental communication is crucial for successful parenting to occur. Being in a relationship and having children can be quite challenging since since children aren’t born with a manual or handbook on how to manage each one of them! Sometimes, the partner who is the primary care giver for the children can feel overwhelmed and exhausted. And if you have felt this, then, this article is meant for you. Together, let’s learn how to actively apply a growth mindset in our communication.

It is absolutely ok to ask your partner to help you out with the chores or looking after the children. More often then not, the working partner feels that they should not invade your space or break your routines without realizing that by staying away, you feel alone and may be experiencing a level of burnout.

Remember to communicate
Effective and positive parental communication becomes pivotal here. Sometimes, when you are caught in this rut, trying to figure out how to open the communication channel can seem challenging. Re-framing mindset to a growth mindset, takes practice. So, here, I provide you with a few ways, you can ask for help. Stay calm, do not be aggressive and know that your partner probably sees you in this state but they too, do not know how to broach the topic without hurting your feelings.
Here are some examples of opening lines you could use to ask for help that are non-aggressive:
#Tip 1 : Explain
“I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and stressed lately, and I think I might be experiencing burnout. Can we discuss some ways I can better manage my workload and reduce my stress levels?”
#Tip 2 :Be honest
“I’m having a hard time keeping up with my tasks and responsibilities, and I need to find a way to regain my energy and focus. Can we talk about some strategies that could help me with this?”
#Tip 3: Show them you value their input
“I value my work and I don’t want to compromise my performance, but I also need to take care of my well-being. Can we brainstorm some solutions together that will allow me to achieve a healthy balance?”
#Tip 4 : Teamwork
“I recognize that I may need to make some changes in order to avoid burnout and maintain my health. Can we work together to find ways to support me in this process?”
#Tip 5 : Show appreciation
“I appreciate your support and I’m asking for your help because I need to find ways to manage my stress and workload. Can we have an open and honest conversation about how I can get the support I need?”

It’s important to approach the conversation in a calm, respectful, and solution-focused manner, and to avoid language that is confrontational or blaming. The goal should be to find a mutually agreed-upon solution that benefits everyone involved. When you open this communication channel, be sure, that the children are not around and both of you are in a relaxed frame of mind. Sometimes, going for a short walk or just having a change in the environment can help facilitate positive parental communication. When both parents learn to have a growth mindset, the way you parent your children will also evolve automatically.
Read more in the Gentle Parenting article.